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Natural Vulvar Moisturiser

Formulated exclusively for you.

Oil Derm Nix Lab - Formulated exclusively for you.

Gain hydration, elasticity, and well-being with our natural vulvar moisturiser oil.

If you were given a choice of one of these options, which one would you choose?

Surviving with vulvar lichen sclerosus

Without hope and stuck indoors because of flare-ups, itching, burning, and vulvar discomfort.

With joy and a social life thanks to the benefits of a natural solution that helps calm and reduce the symptoms.

Living with vulvar lichen sclerosus

With joy and a social life thanks to the benefits of a natural solution that helps calm and reduce the symptoms.

Surviving with vulvar lichen sclerosus

Without hope and stuck indoors because of flare-ups, itching, burning, and vulvar discomfort.


Living with vulvar lichen sclerosus

With joy and a social life thanks to the benefits of a natural solution that helps calm and reduce the symptoms.

Dermnix is a topical treatment for vulvar lichen sclerosus in the form of an oil.

After a lot of research, we formulated the first balm specifically designed for inflammatory diseases of the female intimate area.

We did it by uniting science and nature.

Who can use this intimate oil?

It’s especially indicated if you suffer from:

  • Lichen simplex chronicus
  • Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
  • Lichen planus
  • Eczema
  • Plasma cell vulvitis or zoon vulvitis
  • Genital psoriasis
¿Quién puede usar el aceite íntimo de Derm Nix Lab? Está especialmente indicado si padeces Liquen simple, Liquen escleroso y atrófico, Liquen plano, Eccema, Vulvitis de células plasmáticas o de zoon, Psoriasis vulvar, entre otra afecciones íntimas femeninas.

What effect does it have?

After its application, you will notice that it improves your quality of life because it contributes to:

✓ Reducing inflammation

✓ Relieving itching and burning

✓ Soothing labial discomfort

✓ Moisturising the vulvar and perianal area

✓ Protecting intimate skin from friction and cracking

✓ Regenerating and providing elasticity to the vulval skin

Who can use this intimate oil?

It’s especially indicated if you suffer from:

  • Lichen simplex chronicus
  • Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
  • Lichen planus
  • Eczema
  • Plasma cell vulvitis or zoon vulvitis
  • Genital psoriasis
¿Quién puede usar el aceite íntimo de Derm Nix Lab? Está especialmente indicado si padeces Liquen simple, Liquen escleroso y atrófico, Liquen plano, Eccema, Vulvitis de células plasmáticas o de zoon, Psoriasis vulvar, entre otra afecciones íntimas femeninas.

What effect does it have?

After its application, you will notice that it improves your quality of life because it contributes to:

✓ Reducing inflammation

✓ Relieving itching and burning

✓ Soothing labial discomfort

✓ Moisturising the vulvar and perianal area

✓ Protecting intimate skin from friction and cracking

✓ Regenerating and providing elasticity to the vulval skin

What patients say about it…

Who’s behind Dermnix?

Hi, my name is Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla. I’m a surgeon specialising in intimate female surgery, a medical researcher, and scientific director of the Dermnix Lab project.

For many years my patients kept telling me the same thing: “I’ve tried every kind of moisturising cream for vulvar lichen sclerosus, but none are effective.”

I asked myself this question:
How can I help all the women who silence their suffering?

Seeing them daily resigned pushed me to investigate in depth until I found the best natural, effective and hyper-specialized formula for the vulvar area that improves the symptoms of LS.

Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon). Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon)

Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon)

Creator of the Lichenia Protocol, president of the Nixarian Foundation, and author of the book “So, I have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. What do I do now?”.

Created to protect you

At Dermnix we take care of what’s important.

Scientific formulation

Developed based on the rigour of international medical studies.

Natural and vegan

We only use ingredients derived from nature.

Tested on women

Cruelty free.
Cruelty free. Tested directly on female conditions to prove its effectiveness.

Organic and environmentally friendly

The preparation, packaging, and presentation materials are recyclable (with the product contained in a glass container).

100% pure

Concentrated and repairing formula. It does not contain water, perfumes or artificial colors.

Inspired by nature.

We’ve selected the best formula for your skin.

Avocado oil

Reduces vulvar inflammation so that your skin starts to look healthier.

Soybean oil

Regenerates the firmness of the skin, restoring its elasticity and softness.

Shea butter

Protects and reduces inflammation. Increases microcirculation. Antioxidant properties.

Aloe vera

Promotes the healing of erosions and fissures. Calming and refreshing effect.


Heals and soothes discomfort and inflammation. Antiseptic, antibacterial, and fungicidal.

The formula also contains vitamin E for an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant boost.

Dermnix is the result of in-depth analysis backed by prestigious scientific research.

  • A study conducted by the Dermatology and Infectious Diseases Unit at the University of Ferrara (Italy).

    Researchers: A. Borghi,* M. Corazza, S. Minghetti, G. Toni, A. Virgili.

    They concluded that continued topical application of these principal ingredients resulted in a significant improvement after six months. Specifically:

    • Avocado and soybean oil extracts had an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Topical vitamin E helped reduce hardening of the skin (scleroderma).
    • Avocado and soybean extracts, vitamin E, and aminobenzoic acid (PABA) could produce beneficial changes in the dermis.

Contact us!

Do you have any questions about our natural vulvar moisturizing oil?

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If you need information or medical help, please contact a doctor specialized in LS.