Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla is a plastic surgeon specialized in female intimate surgery and a pioneer in lichen surgery. Her unique approach and commitment to women’s wellness have positioned Dr. Gutiérrez Ontalvilla as a reference in the field of women’s intimate surgery.
Background and training
With a strong medical background and an outstanding specialization in plastic surgery, Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla has channeled her passion towards improving the quality of life of women through specific intimate surgery procedures and more specifically in lichen surgery. Her extensive experience and knowledge have made her an expert in the anatomy and complexities of this specific area of the female anatomy.
Beyond aesthetics
Dr. Gutiérrez Ontalvilla goes beyond the aesthetic aspects when dealing with intimate surgery. Her approach recognizes that health is intrinsically linked to a woman’s emotional and physical well-being.
For this reason, his team offers a personalized service, approaching each case in a unique way and applying the most appropriate treatment according to individual conditions.
Surgery for lichen through regenerative medicine
Dr. Gutierrez is a pioneer in the incorporation of regenerative approaches in female intimate surgery. Her interest in harnessing the body’s regenerative capabilities has led her to develop innovative procedures to improve intimate health such as stem cell-based lichen surgery.
This is the case with
Lichenia Treatment
in which treats women affected with Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus, reducing the symptoms of this disease to improve their quality of life.
This treatment is the basis of a clinical trial led by the doctor herself at the Hospital La Fe in Valencia, where the results showed a great improvement in patients. From Dermnix we encourage you to know the success cases of Liquenia Treatment.
Other intimate procedures
Another area of expertise of Dr. Gutierrez is labiaplasty. This procedure is a customized surgery to correct and reduce the labia minora.
The labiaplasty combines functional, aesthetic and personal results, with the objective of achieving an integral result adapted to your needs.
Transforming Lives
Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, through her experience in female intimate surgery, has demonstrated that plastic surgery can go beyond aesthetics to improve women’s intimate health and well-being.
If you are considering female surgical procedures or if you are directly seeking surgery for lichen sclerosus, Dr. Gutiérrez Ontalvilla is a professional who not only has exceptional knowledge but also a compassionate approach that makes a difference in the lives of her patients.