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3 things you should do and 3 things you should stop doing if you have vulvar lichen sclerosus.

If you have been diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus, this article is sure to be of interest to you. In it we address 3 things you should do and 3 things you should stop doing as soon as possible!

What to do if you have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus

  1. Seek professional help: consult with health professionals with experience in lichen sclerosus. They will be able to provide you with an accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans and ongoing guidance regarding VLS. Visit Dermnix in Spain to connect with experts in VLS management.
  2. Follow a hygiene routine: adopt a hygiene routine aimed at minimizing irritation and discomfort. Use mild, fragrance-free cleansers. Avoid harsh soaps or chemicals, and opt for non-irritating personal hygiene products designed for sensitive skin. Follow the hygiene tips mentioned in this other article of our blog to ensure proper care. Incorporate a natural base oil formulated for lichen into your routine. Specifically, our Dermnix oil provides relief, soothes itching, reduces inflammation and nourishes the skin.
  3. Get informed and learn: learning more about lichen sclerosus will help you better understand your condition. Share your knowledge with others, including friends, family and even healthcare professionals to raise awareness about VLS and its impact on people. You can contact the Nixarian Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports women with Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. The Nixarian Foundation offers the Lichenia Treatment free of charge to women without resources and raises awareness about VLS through various actions.

What to stop doing if you have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus

  1. Stop ignoring symptoms and delaying your treatment: seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms of VLS. Early diagnosis and early intervention can help control symptoms effectively and prevent complications. Delaying treatment can lead to increased injury and discomfort. In addition, there is the possibility of progression to vulvar cancer if left untreated.
  2. Stop using aggressive or irritating products: do not use products that may irritate the affected skin. Avoid perfumed products, dyes or aggressive chemicals. Opt for mild, fragrance-free alternatives that promote hydration and are anti-inflammatory.
  3. Stop scratching and rubbing affected areas: Although itching may be annoying, doing so can worsen symptoms and damage delicate LEV-affected skin. Instead, use alternatives to relieve itching such as using a cold compress or applying soothing oils. In that sense, the use of Dermnix oil is recommended as it is 100% natural and very effective with the symptoms.

Remember: you are not alone and together we can raise awareness and improve the lives of people living with lichen sclerosus!

Cirujana Plástica, PhD
Investigadora Médica
Directora Científica Derm Nix Lab®

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